If you read the Christmas Eve post, you know about Kate's bag that she takes EVERYWHERE! Well, here is the bag and all the little critters she takes with her wheverer she goes. There are more. These just happened to be the ones that were in the bag when I decided to shoot the picture. The last picture is of a leaflet that came in a DVD Kate got for Christmas. She has started carrying it everywhere and also sleeps with it at night, except she forgot it tonight. She had her mind on other things (next paragraph). It is just a picture of Big Bird and his pals at a birthday party, but Kate thinks it is the most fabulous "book" on earth!
Good news!! We think we are on the road to separating Kate and Daisy. For anyone who hasn't seen her, Daisy is a stuffed duck attached to a pacifier that Kate has had since she was 10 weeks old. In fact, she has four of them and many others have been previously retired from overuse. Well anyway, Kate will be 3 next month and it is just now starting to bother her if we tell her something is for babies. She is not fond of babies (baby dolls, baby brothers, etc. - except baby rabbits. Who knows?) so we have started telling her that Daisies are for babies and she is beginning to put them down during the day. However, when she got in bed tonight, she insisted on having them. I told her she could only have two (she usually sleeps with all 4) since they are for babies. We were shocked that she laid down and didn't put up a fuss. Maybe she really is growing up.
Other news, she did "drive" the pink car last night! She looked like someone learning to drive a stick shift for the first time, but we all have to start somewhere!
1 comment:
Tammy, How in the world are you? I am so glad you found me, I was thinking of you recently and wondering how you were and where you were. I have recently joined facebook and have loved catching up with all the "Copiah" friends..I love seeing all the pictures of their families and seeing what everyone is doing. We are in Byram and love it..I saw you were in Madison..we should get together sometime and have lunch, I would love you see you..Your little girl is adorable, I love her pretty blond hair!! Please keep in touch! Love, Aimee
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