Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 31, 2009


What would summertime be without a good ole plastic backyard pool if you can't have the real thing??? Kate loves the water and is starting swimming lessons for the first time tomorrow...I will be saying lots of prayers for Kay Crotwell tonight!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

School's Out and Kate Gets a Pet

Today was the last day of school and since it was a half day, my precious headmaster let Kate come to school with me since only a few of my students were coming for the last day! It was such a treat for Kate...she thought she was such a big girl! It's so funny how she thinks school is big fun...of course, her idea of school is coming to work with me in my classroom when no kids are there and I clean or do plans and she watches dvds...I'm wondering how her thoughts will change once she is actually in K3 in August!!

My precious friend, Jillian, who Kate adores, asked Kate if she would like to have her class pet (a beta fish) to take home for the summer...Kate was happy to help her out...She named her fish Dorothy (after Elmo's fish, of course!)...Scott was not as excited about the fish as Kate was!! I must say I am not thrilled knowing I will be the one to clean out the nasty fish bowl; however, Kate's face was enough to make it worth doing...

So glad to see that summer is here, even though I LOVED my sweet class this year and will miss seeing them this summer! Thank you, Lord for summer!