Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 16, 2007

Halloween Fun

Kate was the cutest black cat for Halloween. She had the cutest little ear headband that she absolutely refused to wear. I had to literally hold her down to get the nose and whiskers drawn on her face! I can only imagine what my life with her as a teenager will be like because that girl has a mind of her own these days, but she is a total doll! We went to two Halloween get-togethers this year. One with our friends the Youngs and the other at Ross and Lauren Hailey's. At both parties, there was a space jump which is Kate's favorite thing these days. She had so much fun sitting in the space jump while the other kids bounced her around. She made a new "big girl" friend in Mason Joyner who is going to be the best babysitter in town someday! Kate also went on a hayride around CrossCreek which she thought was fun until she ran out of steam. Scott and I had to jump off with her and walk back to the party!

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